Conduit can send raw and processed data to spreadsheets.
Conduit supports formulas for Google Sheets.
You can pull numbers, metrics, and data tables from apps and insert them into Google Sheets cells.
Conduit can download data from spreadsheets and aggregate it with data from apps.
Let’s say you work with several different agencies and have a separate contract with each of the agencies. Each contract includes various fees. However, Facebook doesn’t have information about your agency contracts, but it can pull agency names from your Facebook campaigns.
Accordingly, Conduit can actually download ad spend data from Facebook, find the name of the agency, and calculate true ad costs within your spreadsheet.
Using formulas, you can create a full model of your business that includes metrics for both expenses and revenue.
Using formulas, you can develop your own dashboard in Google Sheets with all your key business metrics.
With Conduit, you can automate your reports like weekly sales recaps over Slack or email.
That way, your entire team stays on top of everything without having to log in to a separate tool.